Ancestresses’ Picnic and Colonial Screen (2021)
Stitched hand woven wool and cotton double weave; hand woven linen
Photo: Christopher Young
From left: Flying Seed (Katharina Meister, 2021),
Colonial Screen and Ancestresses’ Picnic
Photo: Christopher Young
Ancestresses’ Picnic, 2021
Handwoven wool and cotton double cloth, hand embroidered.
Photo: Christopher Young
Colonial Screen (detail), 2021
Handwoven linen
Photo: Christopher Young
From left: Video; Singing, Shouting and Laughter (Elisa Markes-Young, 2021);
The Forest | Skogen (Ruth Halbert, 2020)
Photo: Christopher Young
The Forest | Skogen (detail)
Handwoven double weave.
Photo: Christopher Young
From left: We Set Off At Dusk (Elisa Markes-Young, 2021);
The Forest | Skogen (Ruth Halbert, 2020);
And After We Shall Dance And Feast #03 (Elisa Markes-Young, 2021);
Flying Houses (Katharina Meister, 2018)
Photo: Christopher Young